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Buna,ma numesc Sabrina,am 19 ani si vin din Taramul Magiei unde odata ce ai intrat e greu sa mai iesi!!!Sunt o fata discreta,amabila cu bun simt si un simt al umorului bine dezvoltat!!!Te astept in locatia mea de lux sa petrecem o ora in lumea basmelor si a magiei unde nimeni nu te va grabi,unde nimeni nu iti va aminti de lumea reala!!!Suna.ma nu vei regreta!!! Hi, my name is Sabrina, I am 19 years old and come from the Land of Magic where once you have entered is difficult to leave !!!I am a girl discreet, polite with good sense of humor and a sense of well developed !!!I wait in my house location to spend an hour and magic fairyland where no one will rush where nobodyIt will not remember the real world !!!Call me will not regret it !!!

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  • Varsta: ani
  • Inaltime: cm
  • Greutate: kg

